Francesco Cusa - Official Website - Workshop

"Workshop with the conduction of Francesco Cusa"

Musical workshop »The Naked Musicians« is intended for anyone who wants to know the secrets of making music in a group (collective). In this year's workshop, the mentor, Italian percussionist and composer Francesco Cusa will try to repeat the success of his last year's workshop, which surprised everyone on the last concert day: »students« with various musical backgrounds and knowledge have contructed an unusual but glorious one hour long composition under the guidance of their mentor.?The mentor will use his own techniques to test the musical talents of the participants. He will also try to erase their prejudice towards playing in a group and try to teach them how to listen to eachother. In this way he will try to set up a group which will be prepared to play on the last day in front of an audience and record a live CD The Naked Musicians II.?Francesco wishes musicians to know that musical expertise is not that important but rather the love for music. Those interested should bring their own instrument(s) with them. As Cusa says, even a group as boring as one composed of 134 drummers and 156 guitarists should appear in an interesting musical display on the last day of Sajeta.